1.Performance as an effective means of advertising the potential of its own and does not all developed.
2.This seems to be an effective means of increasing the drainage efficiency once the sand beds are again flooded.
3.Withholding dessert is a form of punishment , and is not an effective means of encouraging a child to eat. It also may upset the child .
4.Horizontal well production was one of effective means for improving production output in thin sandstone reservoirs.
5.Up to the end of the war, the allies had not introduce any effective means to counter the threat.
6.Due to the loss of information was not easy to find, the effective means of protecting information facing extremely challenges.
7.Anonymity is often the most effective means of telling truth to power; and sometimes the only one.
8.Especially in the face of sluggish consumer's desire to purchase, the price is still the most effective means of promotion.
9.Weekly low-dose MTX is an effective means of inducing remission and minimizing GC therapy and toxicity in most of these patients.
10.Human vision is the most effective means of access to information, in today's media is one of the important activities of the status is.